Budget-Mate becomes WEB
Same power, greater flexibility

The Budget-Mate becomes WEB product is finally available. If you have used the product for Windows and liked it, we recommend you take the new Budget-Mate for WEB for a spin. You will be able to experience the same features as the PC version but with the great flexibility of having a multi-user product that runs on all devices with an internet connection: smartphones, tablets, PCs.
Many of the features of the Windows version are already available and others will be added soon. Among the available features we mention:
- Multi-user platform
- Ability to define a budget per business unit/project
- Simplified or advanced accounting
- Each transaction is entered in double entry
- Standard charts
- Warehouse management
- Margin control per sale
- Available in Italian and English
The FREE WEB version of the Budget-Mate program is available at the following address: www.budget-mate.com or you can visit our shop here. For more information on this product visit this link.
To use it, simply create a trial account which will remain active for 30 days at the end of which you can request a further 30 day trial or decide to purchase the unlimited version.
For convenience, there is also a chat support function on the basic screen with which you can send your comments and requests to our development team.